Shakespeare William : Cymbeline

Cymbeline - Shakespeare William
  • Писатель - Shakespeare William
  • Художник - Топольян Орест Юлианович
  • Научный редактор: Гурьнг Лука Власович
  • Формат - epub, txt, pdf, fb2
  • Дата написания: 2005
  • Количество страниц: 446
  • Категория - The New Cambridge Shakespeare

Подробная информация о книге: "Cymbeline"

This new edition of Shakespeare's Cymbeline takes full account of the critical and historical scholarship produced in the late twentieth century. It foregrounds the elements of romance, tragicomedy and Jacobean stagecraft which together shape the play; it also acknowledges the postmodern indeterminacy of the play's key moments. Martin Butler breaks with the legacy of the sentimental Victorian reading of the heroine, Innogen, which still exerts some hold on production and interpretation today, and has given greater space than his predecessors to the politics of 1610, especially to questions of British union and nationhood. The play has been freshly edited from the text in the 1623 folio, with some interesting textual choices, and has a detailed commentary on linguistic and historical aspects of the text. There is also a full treatment of the play's stage history, from 1610 to the present day. Вы можете скачать книгу Cymbeline.

  • Shakespeare William : Cymbeline

  • Shakespeare William : Cymbeline
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